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Mexican-American war

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When was the most significant phase in the Mexican-American war?
The most significant phase of the Mexican-American War began in March 1847, when General Winfield Scott invaded the Mexican city of Veracruz from the sea
What did the war mark?
The war marked the combat debut of several future Civil War generals.
Why was Abraham Lincoln in the war?
He was one of the war's harshest critics
Why did Mexico give up California?
Under the treaty, Mexico agreed to sell California and the rest of its territory north of the Rio Grande for $15 million
Did Mexico sell land to the United States?
Mexico ceded to the U.S. in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 after the Mexican–American War
Who owned Texas first?
Why is there a bear on the California flag?
The grizzly became a symbol of the bear-flag republic. This flag became the basis for the state flag of California, then California was known as the bear-state
What were the long-term effects of this war?
Mexico halved in it's size and doubled the territory of the United States.
What were the results of the Mexican-American war?
The United States received the Texan territory as well as New Mexico and California.
When did Mexico lose California?
What ended the Mexican-American war?
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848
What did the U.S gain from this war?
They gained these new territories; New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, California, Texas, and western Colorado for $15 million
What states were involved in this war?
New Mexico and the United States.
How many people died in the Mexican-American war?
The Mexican death toll exceded 25,000 people and the American death toll reached 13,283 people.
What was the impact of the Mexican-American war?
The Mexican-American war changed the slavery debate.
What was the main cause of the Mexican- American war?
The westward expansion of the United States.
Where was the Mexican-American war located?
What did Santa Anna use to reclaim power in Mexico?
The war
Before invading Mexico what did the U.S try to do?
The U.S tried to buy some of Mexcio's territory before invading them.
When was the Mexican-American war?
April 25,1846- February 2,1848