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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What/ you/ like/ would/ to be/ future/in?
what would you like to be in the future? I'd like to be an architect
What/ you/ like/ would/ to be/ future/in?
what would you like to be in the future? I'd like to be an astronaut
What/ you/ like/ would/ to be/ future/in?
what would you like to be in the future? I'd like to be an engineer
What / you/ think /of/ cám?
She is cruel
What / you/ think /of/ fox?
i think It's smart
What / you/ think /of/ younger pig?
i think it's hard-working
What / you/ think /of/  crow?
i think it's greedy
what /she/does/do/free/in/your/time?
what does she do in your free time? she goes fishing
what /she/does/do/free/in/your/time?
what does she do in your free time? she cleans the house
what /he/does/do/free/in/your/time?
what does he do in your free time? he does karate
what /you/do/do/free/in/your/time?
what do you do in your free time? I go jogging
why /with / the/ stove/shouldn't/play/ I
why shouldn't you play with the stove?because you may get a burn
why /the /stairs / down/shouldn't/run/ I
why shouldn't you run down the stairs?because you may fall off the stairs
why /with / knife/shouldn't/play/ I
why shouldn't you play with knife?because you may cut yourself
Don’t _____________!
Don’t play with the knife!
Don’t _____________!
Don’t run down the stairs!
Don’t _____________!
Don’t climb the tree!
Don’t _____________!
Don’t ride your bike too fast
she shouldn't
she shouldn't carry heavy thing
you should
you should eat a lot of fruit
she shouldn't
she shouldn't eat a lot of sweet
He should
He should go to dentist
What/matter /is/with/the/you?
What’s the matter with you? I have a fever
What/matter /is/with/the/her?
What’s the matter with her? she has a sore throat
Don’t _____________!
Don’t play with matches
What/him/matter /is/with/the?
What’s the matter with him? I have a backache
What/matter /is/you/with/the?
What’s the matter with you? I have a toothache