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Work and personality traits

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does it mean to be "reliable"?
that can be trusted to do something well; that you can rely on
What makes a good boss?
students' answers
What makes a good worker?
students ' answers
What do people need to do to get promoted?
work hard, be reliable, to be efficient, responsible...
Do you have to deal with complaints at work
students' answers
What do you have to deal with at work?
students ' answers
I am on sick leave. What does it mean?
permission to be away from work because of illness; the period of time spent away from work
I was made redundant. What does it mean? a) I got promoted. b) I got a pay rise. c) I am without a job, there was no more work for me. d) I turned the job down.
c) I am without a job, there was no more work for me.
I turned the job down. What does it mean?
I refused to take the position
Our colleague Maya was .......... . She 's unemployed now.
It's difficult to make a living as a waitress. What does it meant?
to earn enough money to get by
Explain the word "charming"?
very pleasant or attractive
What personality traits do you need to do your job?
students' answers (to be reliable, ambitious, punctual....)
I am experienced. How do you say the opposite?
I am inexperienced.
I applied for a job. Explain.
Write to a company, send your CV, a letter of motivation and try to get a job.
I am a head of HR department. Change the sentence with using (be in charge of) so that the meaning of the sentence remains the same.
I am in charge of HR department.
Our friend is very easy-going. Explain the meaning of "easy-going".
relaxed and happy to accept things without worrying or getting angry
I was promoted. What does it mean?
to move o a higher rank or more senior job
A period of time worked by a group of workers who start work as another group finishes. What do you call it?
shift time
What does it mean to be "punctual "?
happening or doing something at the arranged or correct time; not late
What's the meaning of the definition:"taking care to do things carefully and correctly" : a) dynamic b) punctual c) conscientious d) communicative