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Adjectives for Characterization

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What is an antonym of the word HUMOROUS (humorvoll)
boring, serious, unfunny, unpleasant
What is the antonym of the word SUPERFICIAL (uneinsichtig)
serious, deep, profound
What is the antonym of the word MODEST (bescheiden)
arrogant, conceited, bold, assured, egotistical
What is an antonym of the word EXPERIENCED (erfahren)
inexperienced, innocent, amateur, incapable
What is an antonym of the word CHARISMATIC (charismatisch)
repellant, uncharismatic, revolting, repugnant, distasteful
What is an antonym of the word SHARP-MINDED (sharfsinnig)
dull-minded, ignorant, gullible
What is an antonym of the word PRUDENT (einsichtig)
careless, expensive, foolish, hasty, inattentive, incautious, indiscreet, nonsensical
What is an antonym of the word SENSIBLE (verständig)
ignorant, unrealistic, imbecile, stupid
What is an antonym for the word RATIONAL (überlegt)
irrational, insane, illogical, senseless, foolish
What is an antonym for the word REASONABLE (vernünftig)
unreasonable, biased, irrational, prejudiced, partial
What is an antonym for the word NAÏVE (naiv)
experienced, seasoned, knowledgable, perceptive, perceptive
What is an antonym for the word WITTY (geistreich)
serious, unamusing, unfunny
What is an antonym for the word ILLITERATE (ungebildet)
educated, intelligent, able, learned, literate, taught
What is an antonym for the word NARROW-MINDED (beschränkt, engstirnig)
open-minded, tolerant, adventurous, unbiased
What is an antonym for the words CLEVER, WISE, LEARNED (klug)
awkward, foolish, idiotic, ignorant, naive, senseless
What is an antonym for the words SIMPLE-MINDED, PLAIN (heisting, schlicht)
ambiguous, concealed, unclear, vague
What is an antonym for the word INTELLECTUAL (intellektuell)
foolish, ignorant, simple, stupid
What is an antonym for the word IGNORANT (unwissend)
educated, experienced, intelligent, learned, taught, aware
What is an antonym of the word KNOWLEDGABLE (kenntnisreich)
ignorant, inexperienced, unaware, uninformed, unintelligent, unknowledgeable
What is an antonym of the word AMBITIOUS (ehrgeizig)
unambitious, unenterprising, unadventurous, undetermined
What is a synonym for the word SLOPPY
careless, clumsy, imperfect, mediocre
What is a synonym for the word NEGLECTFUL (pfichtvergessen)
careless, failing, inattentive, negligent
What is a synonym for the word MENDACIOUS (verlogen)
dishonest, fraudulent, deceptive, insincere
What is a synonym for the word NOBLE (edelmütig)
dignified, distinguished, honorable
What is a synonym for the word CAREFUL (sorgfältig)
cautious, attentive, mindful, precise
What is a synonym for the word FAITHFUL (true)
loyal, reliable, devoted, dependable
What is a synonym for the word GRATEFUL (dankbar)
appreciative, thankful, indebted, pleased
What is a synonym for the word RESPONSIBLE (verantwortungsvoll)
trustworthy, mature, accountable, in-charge
What is a synonym for the word DUTIFUL (pflichtbewusst)
obedient, faithful, conscientious, compliant
What is a synonym for the word STRAIGHTFORWARD (ehrlich)
candid, forthright, genuine, sincere, truthful, unequivocal
What is a synonym for the word VIRTUOUS (tugendhaft)
honest, innocent, honorable, noble, principled, righteous, wholesome
What is a synonym for the word SCRUPULOUS (gewissenhaft)
conscientious, fussy, honest, meticulous, painstaking precise, rigorous, strict
What is a synonym of the word MORAL (moralisch)
moralistic, noble, principled, proper, righteous
Make a sentence using the word REBELLIOUS (rebellisch)
Make a sentence using the word NERVOUS (nervös)
Make a sentence using the word UNCONCERNED (unbekümmert)
Make a sentence using the word BRAVE (mutig)
Make a sentence using the word DEPENDENT (unselbstständig)
Make a sentence using the word THOUGHTFUL (grüblerisch)
Make a sentence using the word COWARDLY (feige)
Make a sentence using the word HESITATING (zögerlich)
Make a sentence using the word SERVILE (unterwürfig)
Make a sentence using the word SELF-CONFIDENT (selbstsicher)
Make a sentence using the word INDEPENDENT (selbständig)
Define: Bad-Tempered
Missmutig: easily annoyed or made angry.
Define: Melancholy
Melancholisch: a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause.
Define: Moody
Launisch: (of a person) given to unpredictable changes of mood, especially sudden bouts of gloominess or sullenness.
Define: Boring
Langweilig: not interesting; tedious.
Define: Jolly
Vernügt: happy and cheerful.
Define: Cheerful
Heiter: noticeably happy and optimistic.
Define: Sober
Besonnen: make or become more serious, sensible, and solemn.
Define: Controlled
Beherrscht: not showing emotion; having one's feelings under control.
Define: Doleful
Trübsinnig: expressing sorrow; mournful.
Define: Irascible
Jähzornig: having or showing a tendency to be easily angered.
Define: Happy
Fröhlich: feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
Define: Balanced
Ausgeglichen: keeping or showing a balance; arranged in good proportions.
Define: Lively
Temperamentvoll: full of life and energy; active and outgoing.
Define: Vivid
lebhaft: producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
Define: passionate
leidenschaftlich: showing or caused by strong feelings or a strong belief