Edit Game
504 - Unit 4/5/6

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Rocco's only _____ was that he walked with a slight limp: a)client b)deceive c)defect
c) defect
What does 'defraud' mean?
take money, rights, etc., away by cheating
What does 'reform' mean?
make better; improve by removing faults
Whether or not eighteen-year-olds should be allowed to vote was in ____ for a long time: a)topic b)debate c)tradition
b) debate
The guests began to ______ for Thanksgiving dinner: a) assemble b)explore c)probe
a) assemble
get away from by trickery or cleverness
the larger number; more than half
What is the synonym of 'a load'?
What is the Earth doing?
If we have one more hot ______ day, you will be able to persuade me to move to Alaska: a) humid b) enormous c)vanish
a) humid
The _______ in the movie was played by an actor who was able to look mean: a) humid b)villain c)dense
b) villain
How to make a suggestion?
I suggest that/What about ...?/What if ...?
go or come down from a higher place to a lower level
to descend
What is the synonym of 'to use'?
To utilize
How to accept and reject a suggestion?
What a good idea/I'm not sure
What is it?
Say 3 expressions to praise a colleague.
I' m very pleased/Well done/You've done very well
Say 3 expressions to praise a colleague
I'm very pleased