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Context Clues

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My grandfather was a renowned musician in his early years but today his music is unpopular to the new generation. What type of context clue is used to show the meaning of the word renowned? a. Antonym b. Synonym
My sister's acquiescence or the act of passive acceptance of my father's decision was expected. What type of context clue is used to show the meaning of the word acquiescence? a. Definitions b. Synonyms
My mother is the epitome or personification of love and sacrifice. What type of context clue is used to show the meaning of the word epitome? a. Antonym b. Synonym
A lot of times, Beth is absent-minded, forgetful of little details. In this sentence what does the word absent-minded mean? a. forgetful b. thoughtful
Elena, my sister is frisky, playful all the time. In this sentence, what does the word frisky mean? a. playful b. scared
My sister is my finest friend. She is the best of all. In this sentence, what does the word finest mean? a. friend b. best
Use alcohol to sanitize your hands and remove dirt. a. mess b. clean
Eat nutritious foods instead of junk foods. a. healthy b. disgusting
Keep yourself occupied to avoid boredom. a. busy b. sadness
Wear facemask appropriately by putting it where it should be. a. correctly b. improper
The pandemic has changed the lives of many people across the world. a. a disease outbreak that spread b. an ocassion
a disease outbreak that spread
The perilous trick didn't scare the magician. He continued doing the dangerous act. Using the context clue, what does the word perilous mean? a. safe b. dangerous
___________ is a type of context clue that gives the dictionary meaning of the unfamiliar word to make understanding of the sentence easier. a. Definitions b. Synonyms
___________ is a type of context clue that uses the opposite meaning of the unfamiliar word to make understanding of the sentence easier. a. Antonyms b. Definitions
___________ is a type of context clue that uses a more familiar word with similar meaning of the given word to make understanding of the sentence easier. a. Synonyms b. Explanations
___________ are hints or additional information about a word that helps the reader understand its meaning. a. Context clues b. Definitions
Context clues