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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jake’s house is in a beautiful ……………………… between two hills.
We live on a/an ……………………… in the middle of the sea!
I’m going to pick some ……………………… for Mum from the garden
It was very warm/windy/icy last night and a tree blew down onto the road.
It was a lovely cloudy/sunny/snowy day when we went to the beach
We saw some ……………………… in the jungle in India. I love their orange and black colours. A lizards B bears C tigers
There was a really big ……………………… on the wall in the hotel bathroom. It ran away out of the window. A snake B alligator C spider
My dad was stung by a ……………………… when he went swimming on holiday. A shark B jellyfish C bee
A: You look worried. What are you watching? B: This presenter says soon lots of the ice in the Arctic (disappear)
This presenter says soon lots of the ice in the Arctic will disappear
I don’t think we ………(be) ready to present our animal project on Monday.
I don’t think we will be ready to present our animal project on Monday.
I think Megan ……(win) the race on Saturday. She’s really fast.
I think Megan will win the race on Saturday. She’s really fast.
Where/you/put/your new desk?
Where are you going to put your new desk?
Jacob and Alex got up very late this morning. They/miss/their train?
Are they going to miss their train?
Susie/not come/with us to the park.
Susie isn't coming with us to the park.
We/not drive/to Scotland this year.
We aren't going to drive to Scotland this year.
Billy and George/climb/a mountain in Italy.
Billy and George are going to climb a mountain in Italy.