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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "rumor" means (tin tưởng / bí mật / tin đồn / sự tai hại).
cây chông nhọn bằng gỗ
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "wood spike" means (cây chông nhọn bằng gỗ / cây cột cờ / cây cảnh / cây sắt nhọn).
cây chông nhọn bằng gỗ
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "torture" means (tra tấn / tương tác / giúp đỡ / khuyến khích).
tra tấn
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: The captain forces all the soldiers (in / to / at / with) keep fighting.
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "noble" means (giới quý tộc / dân lao động / người nhân ái / giới trí thức)
giới quý tộc
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: King Charles became the (celebrity / ruler / normal / ruling) of this country in 1975.
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "enemy" means (đồng đội / kẻ thù / nhà vua / tội phạm).
kẻ thù
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: The noun of "legendary" is (lengence / length / legend / lengendth).
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "legendary" means (lịch thiệp / có tính huyền thoại / có tính khách sáo / nhã nhặn).
có tính huyền thoại
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: Our teacher will not teach today because he is ill, so there will be a (multi / substitute / sub-title / printing) teacher.
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: Roses have lots of (flowers / leaves / barks / thorns) and they are very sharp. Be careful !
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: You taste food with your (feet / tongue / eye / hair).
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "giraffe" means (ngựa vằn / sư tử / lạc đà / hươu cao cổ).
hươu cao cổ
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: I was touched by the song. In this sentence, "touched" means (bị động / chạm mặt / cảm động / quên lãng).
cảm động
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: A group of explorers are going (with / under / above / on) a safari in Africa.
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: All students are now dismissed. In this sentence, "dismiss" means (giải tán / giải lao / giải phóng / hòa giải).
giải tán
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: The noun of "hot" is (cold / heat / hot / hotted)
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: This forest is the (larger / more larger / most largest / largest) place in this region.
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: The population in this country is so dense. In this sentence, "dense" means (thưa thớt / vắng vẻ / hoang vu / dày đặc).
dày đặc
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: Don't worry, there is still enough (beds / dishes / room / plates) for everyone.
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: People can communicate their ways of life over the Internet. In this sentence, "communicate" means (chia sẻ / nắm bắt / vụt mất / dịch chuyển).
chia sẻ
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "grudge" means (mối lo âu / mối hận thù / sự tự hào / sự nhào nặn)
mối hận thù
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "moral" means (bài học đạo đức / bài văn / bài vở / việc học hành)
bài học đạo đức
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "character" means (nhân vật / diễn biến / cốt truyện / nội dung)
nhân vật
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "tragedy" means (bi kịch / hài kịch / kịch câm / phim ảnh)
bi kịch
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "poet" means (bài thơ / khổ thơ / nhà soạn nhạc / nhà thơ)
nhà thơ
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: Shakespeare is an iconic figure in British literature. In this sentence, "iconic figure" means (tượng bán thân / nhạc sĩ / tượng đài (nghĩa bóng) / mẫu mã)
"tượng đài"
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: What is the antonym (từ trái nghĩa) of "huge" ? (big / massive / great / tiny)
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "swoop down" means (nhào xuống / bay cao / loanh quanh / lởn vởn).
nhào xuống
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: I need to (run / take / hold / pull) a nap. I am too tired !
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "nap" means (giấc ngủ trưa / giấc ngủ khuya / sự an giấc / sự trằn trọc)
giấc ngủ trưa
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "wiggle" means (ngọ nguậy / tranh giành / tranh đấu / nhường nhịn)
ngọ nguậy
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: You cannot wear shoes and enter the temple. You have to (take / dress / give / move) your shoes off.
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: The birds keep squawking all night. The word "squawk" in this sentence means (hót du dương / kêu quác quác)
kêu quác quác
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "a morsel of food" means (a small piece of food / a big piece of food / the last piece of food / the tasty food)
a small piece of food
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "breeze" means (bão tố / cơn gió nhẹ / mưa rào / lốc xoáy).
cơn gió nhẹ
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "seagull" means (đại bàng / chim cánh cụt / mòng biển / hải cẩu)
mòng biển
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: Kim and Sam are staying with (host / hosts / hosted / hosting) families when they study abroad. It's a great chance for them to get to know more about the culture of the native country.
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: He is offered a job ! He is very excited (in / on / to / about) the news !
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: Kim is in grade 11. She is an eleven-(grading / gradement / graded / grader).
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: The hero has been (welcomes / welcome / welcoment / welcomed) by people in his country.
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "semester" means (học kỳ / giáo vụ / tổ chức / thời kỳ)
học kỳ
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "region" means (vùng miền / tài nguyên / vật liệu / nguyên liệu)
vùng miền
John is an (good student / misbehaved / nice / exchange) student. He's American. He comes to our country to study Vietnamese culture.
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: I am going to give a (present / presenting / presentation / presentating) on African plants and animals.
What does "auditorium" mean in Vietnanmese ?
Thính phòng
What is the noun of "attend" ? (attention / attendance / attenment / attendtion)
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "homeroom class" means (lớp chủ nhiệm / lớp bổ túc / lớp tập huấn / lớp phụ đạo)
Lớp chủ nhiệm
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: This competition is once every year. It is (biannual / annual / annually / biannually).
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "awesome" means (tồi tệ / bình thường / tuyệt vời / kinh hoàng)
Tuyệt vời
What does "pyramid" mean in Vietnamese ?
Kim tự tháp
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: We have (knew / meeting / be / made) many friends when we live here.
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "sphinx" means (nhân sư / nhân mã / hải cẩu / ngựa một sừng)
Nhân sư
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "huge" means (vừa vặn / phải chăng / khổng lồ / dày dặn)
khổng lồ
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "massive" means (đồ sộ / nhỏ bé / thuận lợi / lợi tức)
đồ sộ
What does "Egypt" mean in Vietnamese ?
Nước Ai Cập
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "sell out" means (bán hết hàng / mua hết hàng / lỗ vốn / tăng giá tiền)
bán hết hàng
The shop owners expect all the items to sell (in / out / by / above).
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: Students from grades 1 to 5 are (encourage in / encouraged to / encourages with) join the sports event.
encouraged to
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: "gymnasium" means (phòng tập thể dục / phòng giải trí / phòng chiếu phim / phòng thí nghiệm)
phòng tập thể dục
Choose the correct answer in the brackets: We will (hold/ holds/ holding/ held) a concert next week.
What does "drum" mean in Vietnamese ?
cái trống