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Dancers and Choreographers

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Who was the first Native American prima ballerina?
Maria Tallchief
Which dancer/choreographer created her own dance company, the oldest in America?
Martha Graham
She was the Mother of MODERN Dance.
Martha Graham
Which male dancer and choreographer was born and died in New York City?
Jerome Robbins
Which choreograher directed the movie version of West Side Story?
Jerome Robbins
Which dancer was more interested in natural body movements than precise choreographed routines?
Isadora Duncan
Which dancer is known as The Mother of Dance?
Isadora Duncan
Which choreographer had her own dance company and toured extensively in the 70s and 80s?
Twyla Tharp
Which dancer and choreographer was born in Indiana?
Twyla Tharp
Which of these choreographers is still living? Bob Fosse, Isadora Duncan, Twyla Tharp
Twyla Tharp
Who delveloped the School of American Ballet?
George Balanchine
This Russian-born choreographer was married to Maria Tallchief.
George Balanchine
Who choreographed the musical "Chicago"?
Bob Fosse
Which choreographer incorporated hats, gloves, canes, and other props into his dances.
Bob Fosse
Which choreographer incorporated turned in knees and open hands?
Bob Fosse
Which composer was best known for his jazz style of choreography?
Bob Fosse