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Introduction to Earth's systems

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Show me something in color yellow
Describe the relationship of the spheres
What systems are interacting in this picture?
Hydrosphere and biosphere
What is condensation?
Is the process by which water vapor becomes liquid water
Show me something in color green
What is transpiration?
The plants draw in water, eventually, the water vapor is given off through the leaves in a process called transpiration
What systems are interacting in this picture?
Biosphere, geosphere, and atmosphere
Why do human practices depend upon and benefit from water?
All living things need water for survival. Human beings need water to cook, wash, and drink.
How might a fire have a destructive effect on the geosphere?
A fire could be destructive to the geosphere by killing trees and other plants
What are the landforms?
Are features such as coastlines, dunes, and mountains.
Mention a constructive force
Mountains and other huge landmasses
What is the percentage of water on our planet?
70% of the Earth is water
What systems are interacting in this picture?
Biosphere and atmosphere
Show me something in color red
What is the water cycle?
Is the continuous process by which water moves from Earth's surface to the atmosphere and back again.
Mention some landforms
Mountains, plateaus, plains, dunes, coastlines, etc...
What is topography?
The shape of the land determined by elevation, relief, and landforms.
What is the biosphere?
The parts of Earth that contain all living organisms are collectively known as the biosphere.
What systems are interacting in this picture?
Hydrosphere and atmosphere
What is the atmosphere?
It is made of air. A mixture of gases including nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, and carbon dioxide.
What is the term for the part of the hydrosphere that is frozen?
What is energy?
Is the ability to do work
Mention the four spheres
Hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere, and biosphere
What is a system?
Is a group of parts that work together as a whole.