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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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-W- color, bug , season
white, worm , winter
-W- sport, fruit, day
windsurfing, watermelon, wednesday
-W- weather, verb, animal
windy, want, whale
-V- music instrument, job,
violin, vet
-T- sport, day, transportation, music instrument
tennis, table tennis, Tuesday, Thursday, trumpet, train
-T-Country, job, pet
Turkey, Teacher, Turtle
-T- number, animal, shape
ten, tiger, triangle
-S- day, family, sea animal
Sunday, Saturday, sister, seahorse
-S- fruit, month, job
strawberry september singer
-S- sports, shape, color
snowboarding, swimming, scuba diving, soccer, skiing, silver, star, square
-S- animal, subject, clothes
snail, snake,sheep,seahorse, science, social studies, scarf, shoes, shorts
-S- verb, weather, food
sleep, swim, sing, sunny, snowy, soup
-R- sport, country , animal
Running, Russia, rabbit, rooster
-R- verb, shape, transportation
run. read, rectangle, rocket
-R- color, weather, food
red, raining,rice
-P- job, animal, school supplies
pilot, police officer, panda, parrot, penguin, pig,pen
-P - fruits, music instrument, transportation
pear, pineapple, piano, plane
vegetables, color, subject
pumpkin, purple, pink, P.E.
fruit, color, month
oranges, orange, october
number, vegetables, shape
one, onion, oval
food, body part, month
noodles, nose, neck, november
-M-subject, day of the week, family, bug
math, music, Monday, Mother, mosquito
vegetables, body part, month
mushrooms, mouth, may, march
animal, fruit, verb
lion, lizard, lemon, like, love
-G- animal, music instrument
giraffe , guitar
pet, fruit, color
goldfish, grape, green, gold
Verb, animal, country, month
jump, jellyfish, Japan,June,July,January
_F_ job, day of the week, family
florist, Friday , father
- F-Verb, number, month
fly, five, February
vegetables, subject, , verb
eggplant , English, eat
Number , food, body parts
eleven, eggs, eyes, ears
pet, sea animal, clothes, shape, month
dog, dolphin , dress, diamond, December
animal, verb, job
duck, dance, dancer, doctor, dentist
sea animal, shape, country, bug
crab, circle, China, Canada, cockroach, caterpillar
Food, animal, clothes, job
cheese, chicken, camel, coat, carpenter
transport, verb, fruit
car, cook, cherry
sport, music instrument, job, bug
basketball, badminton, bass, baker, beet, butterfly
Transport, clothes, fruit
bus, boat, boots, banana
animal, vegetables, color
bird, bear. beans, brown, bronze, black, blue
fruit, country, bug
apple, America, ant
month, subject, job
april, august, art, artist