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_____ is caused by an over production of cells that line the sweat gland.
Lipids are natural fats that keep the outer layer moist and healthy. What destroys that?
Detergents and alcohol
If 1 person sheds 50,000 skin cells a minute..... how much dead skin you think accounts for the amount of dust in the atmosphere? Hint: It's a lot
50 billion tons
This company produced a product in 1894 that has been taken off shelves, known to cause cancer and recently has lost a 4.69 billion lawsuit to consumers? A- dove B-Olay C- Johnson & Johnson D- Aveeno
C- Johnson & Johnson
How many layers does your skin have? A-1 B-2 C-3 D-4
C- skin has 3 levels epidermis, dermis abd hydrodermis
True or false. Cleanser,toner,serum,moisturizer is the correct order to apply these products.
True :)
When should you apply SPF?
Always, no excuses
What does non-comedogenic mean?
A product won’t clog pores