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social skills

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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what is a positive way to get attention from friends
act nicely
true or false: treat others how you would like to be treated
say it or think it: youre boring
think it
say it or think it: your haircut looks weird
think it
say it or think it: can you please repeat that?
say it
say it or think it: i want to play with you
say it
say it or think it: your breath smells bad
think it
What is something that is hard for you to do in a friendship?
listen, be honest etc
How would you ask a close friend for help?
I need help can you please help me? Can you please help me?
How would you ask a new friend you just met to hang out with you?
Hi, want to _______ with me? Do you want to hang out with me?
Your friend seems mad at you and you do not know why. What can you say to your friend?
ask why they are upset
You see a classmate making fun of a friend. What can you do?
intervene, tell a teacher
When I apologize, I don't really have to mean it. I just have to say it.
what would you do if a friend was ignoring you
confront them, ask an adult for help
How would you feel if your friends left you out of something they were doing
What makes you want to be friends with someone?
your opinion
Can you only be friends with someone that only has the same interests and opinions as you?
I am a good friend because ...
kind, loyal, honest etc
Feelings I have when I am with my friends
happy, excited, loved
Name a friend and tell me what you like about them!
kind, funny etc
Things I like to do with friends
play, color, go to the park etc
3 qualities I need in friends
honesty, loyalty, kindness, funny etc