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Phrasal Verbs with Can't
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does 'I can't help it' mean?
Is there any food/drink you can't get enough of?
can't get enough of sth/sb: you want more of them
Is there any song/meme/movie you can't get out of your mind right now?
can't get sb/sth out of your mind: can't stop thinking about them
What would you recommend doing when someone can't think straight?
can't think straight: cannot concentrate
Is there any chore you can't be bothered to do?
can't be bothered: to have no interest in sth
What do you say to someone who's being rude and you can't take it anymore?
Can't take it. cannot tolerate something
Can you bear to be away from your friends/family for long?
Can't bear: to strongly dislike something because it makes you unhappy.
What attitudes from people can't you stand?
Can't stand: to strongly dislike something
Is there anything you can't wait to finish soon?
Can't wait: to be excited about sth