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B1+ (past & future tenses, vocabulary)

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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VOCABULARY: be someone who wakes up easily
VOCABULARY: have a short sleep in the day
SYNONYM: a lot of
a load of
Paraphrase: "put your earrings in groups"
"SORT OUT your earrings"
VOCABULARY: invite people to your house to have dinner
have people round for dinner
VOCABULARY: an evening when you stay at home and relax
have a quiet night in
VOCABULARY: to stay in bed later than usual in the morning
have a lie-in
VOCABULARY: not in the city or town; in the village
in the countryside
VOCABULARY: a large building with a lot of apartments/flats?
an apartment block
Complete the gap: I don’t mind ______ (go) to the cinema tonight.
Correct the mistake: I’m looking forward to see you.
I’m looking forward to seeing you.
Make a sentence: "you/supposed/wait for me at home."
You were supposed to wait for me at home.
Correct the mistake: I knew I saw her before.
I knew I had seen her before.
Correct the mistake: You mustn’t wear a suit, but you can if you want.
You don't have to wear a suit, but you can if you want.
Make a question: A: How long/they/married? B: Only for a few months. He died very young.
How long were they married?
Past Simple / Past Perfect: It ____ (not/rain) all summer, so the grass ___ (be) completely dead.
hadn't rained / was
Past Simple / Past Perfect: She_____ (open) the box after she_____ (find) the key.
opened/ had found
Past Simple / Past Perfect: How long ___________ (date) before they ________ (get) married?
had they dated / got married
Past Simple / Past Perfect: By the time Lia __________ (arrive) at the party, everyone ___________ (go) home.
arrived / had gone
Will / Be Going To / Present Continuous: I've just signed up to a driving school. I____ (start) my classes next Monday.
I'm going to start
Will / Be Going To / Present Continuous: Please don't forget to buy eggs! I _____ (make) a cake for John's birthday today
going to make
Will / Be Going To / Present Continuous: A: Are you planning any summer holiday? B: I don't know yet. Perhaps I _____ (stay) at home.
I'll stay
Will / Be Going To / Present Continuous: Not at five o'clock! Look at the diary. We _____ (meet) Mr. Clark at three o'clock.
we are meeting
Will / Be Going To / Present Continuous: I can't eat anything today. I _____ (have) an appointment at the hospital tomorrow.
I'm having