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The Book of Genesis

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who wrote the book of Genesis?
At 969 years old, who was the oldest man in the Bible?
Methuselah (Gen 5: 27)
What did Joseph do for Pharaoh that got him promoted to second in Command over Egypt?
Interpreted His Dreams (Gen 41: 39-40)
What did Jacob see in a dream reaching up to heaven?
A Ladder / Stairway (Gen 28:12)
What was the name of the place where God confused the language of all the people?
Babel ( Gen 11:1-9)
From which Adam's body was Eve formed?
Rib (Gen 2:21)
According to Genesis, who was the first man to plant a vineyard?
Noah (Gen 9:20)
Who did Eve blame for sin of eating the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?
The Serpent (Gen 3:13)
On which day of creation all plant life created?
3rd day (Gen 1: 11-12)
What does "Genesis" mean?
The Beginning (Gen 1:1)
How much did Joseph's bothers received for selling him to the Ishmaelites?
20 shekels of silver (Gen 37:28)
Adam and Eve had three children (at least). We all know Cain and Abel, but who was their third son?
Seth (Gen 5:3)