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4th 6 Weeks Math Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What fraction will each person get?
How far is the MALL from the PET SHOP?
During the time allowed, Ming ran of the race course. Aiden ran of the race course. Use the model below to find which symbol makes the comparison true.
1/3 < 2/3 ..... 2/3 is greater so 2/3 will get eaten by the alligator
Beth got out of gym at 4:30. It took her 15 minutes to get home. Once at home it took her another 15 minutes to cook dinner. What time was it when Beth sat down and ate her meal?
Which object would be measured in ounces?
A marker...it's super light!
Randy wants to measure the capacity of his bathtub. Which measurement best describes the capacity of his bathtub?
50 Gallons
What fraction of the shape is SHADED?
3/8 are shaded
How much water does each friend get?
What is the equivalent fraction to 1/3? USE YOUR MULTIPLICATION CHART!
Who has the larger slice of desert?
The pie is 1/4 so Jess has the bigger slice.
What is the UNIT FRACTION of this shape?
What fraction is shown on the left?
What is the fraction shown on point B??
Sharon decomposed a fraction into these unit fractions. What fraction did she break apart?
Which symbol should we use?
1/2 gets eaten by the alligator
Jodi is painting woorwork along the bottom of a wall in her living room. What part of the woodwork has she finished painting?
What fraction of the dogs HAVE spots?
Simon wants to know which conatiner can hold about 40 gallons of liquid?
The trash can
What is the time shown on the clock?
Penny wants to measure the mass of his pet guinea pig. Which is the best estimate for the mass of the guinea pig?
3 grams