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Relationship Bootcamp - Act it out

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You want to show someone that you like him/her using nonverbal communication. What could you do?
Your bf/gf wants to go to a concert, but you hate loud music. What could you say/do?
Your friend tells you your bf/gf said something that hurt your feelings. What could you say/do?
Pretend you are angry that your bf/gf didn't call you like they were supposed to. What could you say/do?
Pretend you are about to go on your first date and you want to remind the person. What could you say/do?
Great reminder!
Pretend your bf/gf wants to hold hands or cuddle all the time, but you really don't like being touched. What could you say?
*Pat on the back*
Pretend you are calling a boy/girl you like for the first time. What would you talk about?
So conversational!
Pretend you are meeting your boyfriend/girlfriends parents for the first time. What would you way/do?
Pretend you are wanting to break up with someone. What would you say or do?
Standing ovation!
Pretend you just got someone's phone number. What is the first text you would send?
I approve!
Pretend you want to ask someone out on a date. What could you say/do?
Pretend you want to ask someone for his/her phone number. What could you say/do?