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Science Ch 3 Ecosystems and adaptations

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Name the levels of an ecosystem from smallest to largest.
organism, population, community, ecosystem
Name the 5 abiotic factors found in terrestrial ecosystems
water, sunlight, soil, temperature, and oxygen
All the biotic and abiotic factors combined in an area make up
an ecosystem
Name two ways a population can decrease
emigration and death rate
Name the two ways a population can increase
immigration and increased birth rate
define commensalism
interaction between two species where one benefits and the other is neither harmed or benefits
define parasitism
interaction between two species where one benefits and the other is harmed
define mutualism
interaction between two species and both species benefit
what type of prey adaptation is it when an insect looks like a leaf?
Give two examples of visual communication
bright colored frogs, birds extending their wingspan to appear larger
Give me 2 examples of auditory communication.
birds calling their mate, dogs barking to warm others
Name the 3 types of symbiosis
mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism
The study of how things interact with each other and with their environment is called
All the different populations that live together in an area make up
a community
Give me an example of a population and is which ecosystem they would live
foxes in a forest
The smallest unit of ecological organization is
an organism
An early winter frost destroying certain crops would be considered a
limiting factor
The largest population that an area can support is called
carrying capacity
What is population density?
the number of individuals of a population in a specific area
The struggle between organisms to survive in the same habitat with limited resources is called
The behaviors and physical characteristics of a species that allow them to live successfully are called
Name a biotic factor in a prairie ecosystem.
grass, bushes, organisms
The place where an organism lives and that provides the things the organism needs is called its
A bird building its nest in a tree is what form of symbiosis?
Give 2 examples of a predator adaptation.
sharp talons on an eagle, speed of a cheetah
Name 4 limiting factors
lack of food, water, or space; weather conditions or natural disasters
An organism's particular role in a habitat or how it survives is called its
If you have 30 rabbits in a cage measuring 5 square meters what is the population density?
6 rabbits per square meter
A group of lions leaving the herd in search of food is called
A population is all the members of different species living in a particular
The nonliving parts of an ecosystem are called
abiotic factors
What 3 things must an organism's habitat provide?
food, water, and shelter