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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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WWW stands for?
World Wide Web
Who is known as the father of history?
What is the ratio of the Indian flag?
Who is the founder of Sikh religion ?
Guru Nanak
Where is Ajanta caves located?
Which is the first biosphere reserve in India?
Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
India’s first scientific satellite?
The first space-vehicle to orbit the moon?
Luna-10 (U.S.S.R)
The first man to enter space?
Major Yuri Gagarin (Russian)
National animal of Nepal?
What is the national animal of Honduras ?
White-tailed deer
Why are leaves green in color?
Due to the presence of Chlorophyll
Which is the largest lake in Japan?
Who invented the light bulb?
Thomas Alwa Edison
Who was known as the Indian Napolean?
When is Hindi Diwas celebrated ?
September 14th every year
What is India's largest freshwater lake?
Wular lake or Vembanad Lake
First Indian to go to space?
Rakesh Sharma
The first manned space vehicle to land on the moon?
Lunar Exploration Module (LEM) nick-named Eagle
What is the National animal of Thailand?
What is the National Animal of Lebanon ?
Striped Hyena
What is the National Animal of Algeria?
Fennec fox