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Escrow Quiz for Servicing Operations

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the accounting that a servicer conducts in the form of a trial running balance for an escrow account?
Escrow Account Analysis
What is it called when the current escrow account balance falls short of the target balance at the time of an escrow analysis?
What Is a escrow surplus?
An amount by which the current escrow account balance exceeds the target balance for the account.
What two things could change the amount of the escrow payment?
Taxes and Insurance
When is it required to have an escrow account for a conventional loan?
When the borrowers have less than a 20% down payment.
What is PITI?
Principal, Interest, Taxes and Insurance
What is another name for the required minimum balance in a escrow account?
Escrow Cushion
What mortgage loans require escrows?
Typically, escrow accounts are required for FHA and USDA loans and may also be required for VA and conventional loans where borrowers have less than a 20% down
True or False: Escrows may be waived for borrowers with larger down payments or good credit
What Is A Mortgage Escrow?
The monthly amount that a borrower pays the lender towards their real estate taxes, homeowners' insurance and mortgage insurance (If required)