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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete: "If you can't see clearly, you should ________________ (your eyes / test)."
If you can't see clearly, you should have your eyes tested.
Complete: "Are they going to paint the house themselves or ______________ (going to / paint) ?
Are they going to paint the house themselves or ARE THEY GOING TO HAVE / GET IT PAINTED?
Complete: "I'm doing my doing my food shopping online and I _____________ (going to / deliver) to my house."
I'm doing my food shopping online and I' M GOING TO HAVE / GET IT DELIVERED to my house
Complete: "You hair is too long. You need to _____________ (cut)."
Your hair is too long. You need to HAVE / GET IT CUT.
Complete: "Sarah is ______________ (her dress / make) by an Italian designer."
Sarah is HAVING HER DRESS MADE by an Italian designer.
Change this sentence into its passive counterpart: "They should mend the roof."
The roof should be mended.
Change this sentence into its passive counterpart: "The painters decorated our house last week."
Our house was decorated (by the painters) last week. / We had our house decorated last week.
Change this sentence into its active counterpart: "Were you offered the job I told you about?"
Did anyone / anybody /someone / somebody offer you the job I told you about?
Change this sentence into its passive counterpart: "We must go into this matter."
This matter must be gone into.
Change this sentence into its passive counterpart: "They will send for you when the boss arrives."
You will be sent for when the boss arrives.
Change this sentence into its passive counterpart: "Can we solve the problem?"
Can the problem be solved?
Change this sentence into its passive counterpart: "Is somebody picking you up tonight?"
Are you being picked up tonight?
Change this sentence into its active counterpart: "She was recommended a new doctor by her friend."
Her friend recommended her a new doctor.
Change this sentence into its active counterpart: "Have you ever been called a fool before?"
Has anyone ever called you a fool before?
Change this sentence into its passive counterpart: "Nobody has climbed this mountain before."
This mountain has never been climbed before.
Change this sentence into its passive counterpart: "Ella's parents will take her to hospital tomorrow."
Ella will be taken to hospital tomorrow (by her parents).