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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What continent is Italy located on?
How long was the silk road?
4000 miles long
Where did the silk road end?
Where did the silk road start?
What were two items traded on the silk road?
silk, gold, silver, spices, gems, tea
What is a guild?
A small group of skilled workers
What does B.C.E mean?
Before common era
What was another name for the Eastern Roman Empire?
Byzantine Empire
What does C.E. mean?
Common era
Who defeated the Eastern Roman Empire?
Mehmet II
What year did the Eastern Roman Empire fall?
1453 A.D.
Who defeated the Western Roman Empire?
What year did the Western Roman Empire fall?
476 A.D.
Who wrote the first code of law?
Assyrians one thing.
Phoenicians one thing.
What does B.C. Mean?
Before Christ
What does A.D. mean?
Anno Domini
What does reciprocal mean? (NOT IN MATH)
Give something--> Get something
Women were allowed to attend university in the Middle Ages.
What is one career option a woman had in the Middle Ages?
Religion, farm work
What does the word holidays come from?
Holy days
What did feudalism provide?
What type of person usually becomes a knight?
What is a shogun?
The leader of the Japanese military
What is the kiss of peace?
A ceremony where a lord shows respect to the king
What are samurai?
Japanese warriors/knights
What is a King's vassal?
A lord who pledged loyalty to the King
How far do the castle walls extend?
Circle the castle and surrounding village
What does the word "castle" mean in Latin?
Which tier on the feudalism triangle are knights?
Third tier
Which tier on the feudalism triangle are nobility?
Second tier
What code do all knights follow?
Code of Chivalry
What is the second step of becoming a knight called?
Being a squire
What is the first stage of becoming a knight called?
Being a page
What did feudalism provide for people?
Who started feudalism in Europe?
What happened after the fall of Rome?
Who is at the bottom of the feudalism triangle?
Who is at the top of the feudalism triangle