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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He got really angry and put the phone at the table with force.
to put something down with force = to slam down
The new manager seems to be quite regular and well-balanced, not a "thrower" type of person.
to be regular or well-balanced / not likely to change = to be even-keeled
Despite what people may think, he's a calm and peaceful CEO.
calm and peaceful = low-key
People tend to be lazy if you don't push them; they're always procrastinating and delaying their tasks.
to procrastinate = to defer to / to put off
She strongly loves animals and she does whatever needed in order to protect animals.
to do whatever needed for a cause = to fight for it / to do whatever it takes
- Sorry, can't talk now. I'm being paid by the hour and I really need the money.
to work / to get paid by the hour = to be on the clock
I haven't decided what to do for my birthday.
to decide = to make up one's mind
In order to be a good economist, you must have a broad perspective of what's going on.
a broad perspective = the big picture
As kids, we had to understand how things work on our own.
to understand how something works = to figure it out