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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who are they?
Sir Walter, Mary, Elizabeth and Anne
Did Mary like Bath?
No, she didn't.
Who is Mary's husband?
Elizabeth, Mary and Anne are Sir Walter's......
The Elliots must move to a small house. Why?
Because they don't have much money.
Who is Mrs Croft?
Admiral Croft's wife and Captain Wentworth's sister
What happened to Mrs Smith's husband?
He died
Who is Anne's friend from school?
Mrs Smith
What's this?
It's a carriage
What's this?
a teashop
Who has an accident in Lyme?
Who is Louisa in love with?
Captain Benwick
Candem street is.....
where the Elliot's home is in Bath.
How does Anne feel about Mr Elliot?
She likes him as a friend
TRUE OR FALSE: Lady Russel is Sir Walter's wife.
Why does Captain Frederick go to Lyme?
To visit an old friend.
TRUE OR FALSE: Sir Walter and Elizabeth like Bath
TRUE OR FALSE: Anne likes Henrietta and Louisa.
TRUE OR FALSE: Henrietta and Louisa are in love with Captain Wentworth.
Anne doesn't go to Bath with her sister and father because....
she has to help Mary with her children
Who lives at Kellynch Hall?
Sir Walter, Anne and Elizabeth.
Who lives in Uppercross?
Mary and Charles
Who are Mary and Elizabeth?
They are Anne's sisters.
Who is Lady Russell?
She was Lady Elliot's friend.
Lady Elliot....
died some time ago.
Sir Walter Elliot is Anne's .......