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Natural Science

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Some plants have underground stems with leaves that store food. These are called __________. The plant has roots that grow from the bottom of the bulb.
__________ are underground stems that develop small buds or eyes from which new plants grow.
Rhizomes are special stems that grow horizontally __________.
__________ are special stems that grow horizontally above the ground.
There are four plant parts that are used in asexual reproduction: __________, __________, __________ and __________.
stolons, rhizomes, bulbs and tubers
Some plants reproduce without seeds. A new plant grows from a part of the original plant. This is called...
asexual reproduction
When a seeds reaches the ground, a new plant begins grows from it. This is called...
The seeds are dispersed or carried to different places by __________, __________ or __________. This is called seed dispersal.
wind, water or animals
The ovary develops into a fruit and the ovules become ___________.
A grain of pollen reaches an ovule in the ovary. This is called...
Reproduction starts when pollen from the anther of a flower travels to the stigma of a different flower or the same one. This is called...
The stamen has two parts: __________ and __________.
anther and filament
The male part of the angiosperm is called the...
The pistil has four parts: __________, __________, __________ and __________.
stigma, style, ovary and ovules
Angiosperms have male and female parts for sexual reproduction. The female part is called the...
Sometimes, especially at night, plants take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. This process is called...
Plants take in and release oxygen and carbon dioxide through tiny openings in the leaves. These are called...
During photosynthesis, leaves take in __________ from the air and release oxygen.
carbon dioxide
Elaborated sap travels from the leaves to the other parts of the plant through...
phloem vessels
Raw sap travels from the roots to the leaves through...
xylem vessels
Using sunlight and carbon dioxide, leaves transform raw sap into...
elaborated sap
A green substance in the leaves traps sunlight. What is that substance called?
Plants absorb a mixture of water and minerals from the soil through their roots. What is this mixture called?
Raw sap
Plants make their own food using sunlight, carbon dioxide from the air, and water and minerals from the soil. What is this process called?