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2nd grade revision
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do the Elephant and the Bad Baby take from the shops?
They take two apples, lollipops, buns, pies, biscuits, ice-creams and some crisps.
What games does Martha decide to play?
She plays magician, ping pong and she plays with her puppets.
What do these animals say? Goose, hen, horse, hog and ladybird.
hiss, cluck, neigh, oink, never a word
Name four things you can do in the winter.
Make a snowman, drink hot chocolate, go skiing, throw snowballs...
Name four things you can do in the summer.
Swim, eat ice-cream, sunbathe, go fishing...
What is Martha's favourite word? What does she say it about?
Her favourite word is MINE. She says it her scooter, dollhouse, blanket, pencils, chair, cupcakes... everything!
Name five things you can find in the living room.
Sofa, armchair, TV, table, lamp, cushions...
Where do you when you want to send a letter? Who works there?
I go to the post office. A postman works there.
Which two people work at a restaurant?
A chef and a waiter.
What four things can you find in the bathroom?
A bath, a toilet, a washbasin, a shower...
What four things can you find in the kitchen?
An oven, a sink, a cooker, cupboards, a fridge...
Name five rooms in the house.
Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room, dining room, hall...
What is Winnie wearing?
Winnie is wearing a coat, a scarf, a hat, gloves, socks and boots.
Name five things you have in your school bag.
Notebook, pencil case, books, pencil, rubber...
Who lived on a farm with Ladybird?
A fat red hen, duck, goose, woolly sheep, hairy hog, handsome horse, dainty dog, cats, fine prize cow.
What stores do the Elephant and the Bad Baby go to?
The butcher's, the baker's, the ice-cream shop, sweet shop, the grocery store, the snack bar, the barrow boy.
Name six things you can see Down by the bay.
A cat wearing a hat, a frog walking a dog, a bear combing his hear, a llama wearing a pyjama, a goat rowing a boat, a dragon pulling a wagon.
Name five things you wear in the winter.
Coat, scarf, gloves, boots, hat...
Name five things you wear in the summer.
Shorts, flip flops, sunglasses, t-shirt, sandals...