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Social Studies Long Ago and Now

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What happens last in the timeline? Tyler gets a dog or Tyler gets a bike
Tyler gets a dog.
What does this timeline not show? 3 answers
chronological order, years old (age), what happened (events)
A line that shows the order in which things have happened. a table or a timeline
Stories that are made up; not real. Fact or fiction
Something a person uses to do work. Fiction or tools.
What has made transportation safer and faster? Communication or technology
What is something that does not help people communicate? Washing machine or phone.
washing machine
Which form of transportation does not use technology?
Which way of getting to school long ago do some children still use today? The bus or walking
Which is a tool that was used long ago? A blackboard or a computer
a blackboard
We live in the _______________________. Past or present.
Transportation is changed by _______________________ . Technology or calculators.
People traveled in wagons in the _______________________. The past or present.
the past
You can use a _______________________ to put the events in your life in order. Sandwich or a timeline
Communities _____________ over time: change or stay the same
People can go places faster and safer now than they could in the past. True or false.
Children long ago used computers at school. True or false.
To change is to become different. True or false.
People did not communicate in the past. True or false