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Biology review 2nd Partial

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Symptoms of COVID
Loss of smell and taste, symptoms like the flu
The function of the nucleus is...
To control the cell, contain DNA
The function of the mitochondria is...
To produce energy.
Mucus blocking the bronchi and bronchioles slows air movement is a symptom of______.
A ______ diet, includes food from the 3 groups of the eat well plate, so it includes all the nutriments.
Mention all the nutrients
Proteins, Carbohydrates, lipids, minerals, water, and vitamins.
It happens in the small intestine:
What was the name of the book of Darwin?
The origin of species
What was the mission of Charles Darwin when he traveled in the Beagle?
To observe species
In aquatic organisms such as fish, breathing is carried out by...
Earthworms Respirate by...
Diffusion, their skin
Some of the diseases related to smoking are...
Cancer, and emphysema
Disease obsession with the consumption of healthy food. ______
The ______ is a disease in which the red blood cells are less than normal.
Enzyme that digests proteins:
Enzyme that digests lipids:
Below the lungs is a large muscle that contracts and relaxes and moves air in and out of the lungs.
Provide energy, and help your body to absorb vitamins. Also called Lipids.
A good source of carbohydrates is:
Pasta, bread, cereal, tortilla, spaghetti
Exchange of gases: oxygen and carbon dioxide.
It is called the voice box because there are the vocal cords.
Narrow and narrower tubes that lead the air into the lungs until the alveoli.
Bronchi and Bronchioli
Produces Bile
Produces Amylase and a substance that neutralizes stomach acid.
Mechanical Digestion of food.