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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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{Duties of a Seller/Rights of a Seller} Repossess the goods when the buyer fails to pay.
Rights of a Seller
[Short-term and long-term relationship] It involves regular purchases based on an agreement established for a period of time.
Long-term relationship
[Short-term and long-term relationship] It is one time buying and selling commitment.
Short-term relationship
_ _ _ _ _ _ enables you to gather data on a specific topic.
What are the two types of a buyer and seller relationship?
Short-term and long-term relationship
Persons or group of persons who supply goods to the buyers in exchange for money.
The _ _ _ and _ _ _ l enterprise is buying an item at a certain cost, then selling it at a marked up price to gain profit.
_ _ _ _ _ _ Persons or organizations who agree to purchase finished or unfinished/raw materials.
_ _ _ _ _ _ Money earned from a sale.
[Advantage / Disadvantage] Gives the buyer to go from one supplier to another for their purchases.
[Advantage / Disadvantage] Buyers and sellers are able to build stronger relations over a period of time.
{Duties of a Seller/Rights of a Seller} Provide warranty for the product sold to the buyer.
Duties of a Seller
{Duties of a Seller/Rights of a Seller} Receive the right payment for the amount agreed upon for the item sold.
Rights of a Seller
_ _ _ _ _ _   _ U_ _ _ _ is an online service that provides faster and efficient data collection.
Online Survey or Web Survey Tool
It is an online survey tool that will allow you to build attractive and conversational forms.
It is an online survey tool that allows you to create and embed surveys quickly and easily.
Survey Monkey