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Grammar Review Units 1, 2, 3, 4

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Kate dances___________ (good) than Kim.
Kate dances better than Kim.
Please drive___________ (slow) than you did yesterday. Be careful!
Please drive more slowly than you did yesterday. Be careful!
It rains___________ (heavy) in North Africa.
It rains heavily in North Africa.
Write a question for this answer. Pay attention to the word in brackets: I described (my nephew).
Who did you describe?
Write a question for this answer. Pay attention to the word in brackets: It snows here (two times a year).
How often does it snow here?
Write a question for this answer. Pay attention to the word in brackets: (Dad) washes the car.
Who washes the car?
Write a question for this answer. Pay attention to the word in brackets: Australians speak (English).
What do Australians speak?
Rewrite the sentence: The field is too small to play football. (big enough)
The field isn't big enough to play football.
Rewrite the sentence: The sea isn't calm enough to go sailing. (too rough)
The sea is too rough to go sailing.
Rewrite the sentence: Jim and Peter are the same height. (as tall as)
Jim is as tall as Peter.
Write a comparative or superlative sentence: Dolphins/ frightening/ sharks
Dolphins are less frightening than sharks. / Sharks are more frightening than dolphins.
Write a comparative or superlative sentence: bikes/ slow/ cars.
Bikes are slower than cars.
you/ used to/ have/ long hair/ ?
Did you use to have long hair?
We/ used to/ live/ near the beach.
We used to live near the beach.
My parents/ meet/ in 1990.
My parents met in 1990.
I/ to be/ sick/ yesterday.
I was sick yesterday.
The Beatles/ not record/ any album/ after 1970.
The Beatles didn't record any album after 1970.
Mark Zuckerberg/ create/ Facebook/ a few years ago.
Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook a few years ago.
usually / you / walk / to school /.
You usually walk to school.
Your school / give / you / lunch / every day / ?
Does your school give you lunch every day?
sit / in the classroom / they / right now/ .
They are sitting in the classroom right now.