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Human Settlements - Recap 1

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Explain the function of settlement - Tourism.
Where people visit to relax and enjoy themselves. The place depend on tourist activities to make money
Explain the term 'lower order services'?
Services which we buy daily and are cheap or inexpensive
Rank the 5 urban settlements from smallest to largest
1. Town, 2. City, 3. Metropolis, 4. Conurbation, 5. Megacity
Which is the largest settlement in the hierarchy?
Which is the smallest settlement in the hierarchy?
Isolated buildings
Explain a conurbation
A group of large cities and their suburbs that have strong transport links connecting them to each other.
Why is Mumbai a metropolitan city?
Population more than 3 million, hub for entertainment and finance, has surrounding towns and suburbs
If you were the President of India where would you need to live?
Delhi - Administrative capital
If you are a software engineer where would you settle - Bangalore or Bhopal?
Bangalore - IT hub of India
Give two features of Rural settlements
Smaller population, open spaces, dispersed pattern, farming and mining
Give two features of Urban settlements
Dense population, better job opportunities, transport links, skyscrapers
Identify the pattern of settlement here
Why did early man settle near rivers? Give three reasons
Transport, fishing, trading, fresh water for drinking, farming
Identify the pattern of settlement here
Name two man-made factors that impact human settlements in this map
Road/ Highway, train station, church, communication
Explain the term 'settlement'
A place where people live/ where people have built houses