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Conditionals and unreal past

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Please, don’t park in front of my neighbours’ house. There’s not enough space there for such a big car. RATHER I’d ___________________________ park in front of my neighbours’ house.
I'd rather you didn't park
I don't want him to buy a new car. The old one is OK. RATHER I'd ______________ a new car. The old one is Ok.
I'd rather he didn't buy
We might go for pizza after the movies, so take more money with you. CASE Take more money with you _________________________ for pizza after the movies.
in case we go
I don’t like Jenny so I don’t feel like going to her birthday party. RATHER I don’t like Jenny so I __________________ to her birthday party.
I'd rather not go
If there aren’t any questions about the last topic, we can start the new chapter today. UNLESS We can start the new chapter today _______________ some questions about the last topic.
unless there are
I (ĆŒaƂuję, ĆŒe nie pomogƂem) _____________________ my mother in cleaning the house. Now she’s angry with me.
wish I had helped
I wish ______________________ (not/ go) to that film. Now I regret it because it was so boring!
I hadn't gone
(WolaƂbym nie zostawać) ________________ alone at home
I'd rather not stay
If you (finish/write) __________ your essay, we can go shopping
finish/have finished
You could have been badly hurt if you (not/wear) __________ your seat belt.
hadn't worn
(ChciaƂbym, ĆŒeby ludzie sprzątali) ____________ after their dogs.
I wish people would clean up
If (you/eat) ________ all this cake, you will be sick.
If you eat
(Gdyby moja rodzina mogƂa mieszkać) ___________ anywhere in the world, we would choose Barbados.
If my family could live anywhere in the world,
(Czy wziąƂbyƛ) ____________a taxi to my house if my dad hadn’t met you at the bus station?
Would you have taken
(Bilety byƂyby taƄsze) _______________ much cheaper if we had bought them on the internet.
The tickets would have been cheaper
(Gdybym się baƂa) _______________, I wouldn't have gone up in the hot air baloon.
If I had been scared
(Nie miaƂbym nic przeciwko) _____________ living in this city if the traffic weren't so bad.
I wouldn't mind
(Gdyby Marek miaƂ silną wolę) ____________, he would give up smoking
If Mark had a strong will
You will be there on time (chyba, ĆŒe autobus się spĂłĆŒni) _________
unless the bus is late
(Gdybym byƂ na Twoim miejscu) _____________, I would worry about going to the university.
If I were you
(WolaƂbym, ĆŒebyƛ Ty nie wychodziƂa). __________________ home alone.
I'd rather you didn't leave
(NajwyĆŒszy czas abyƛ zacząƂ decydować o sobie) ______________ making your own decisions.
It's high time you started
(WolaƂbym zostać ) ____________ at home tonight.
I'd rather stay
(Gdybym tylko nie mieszkaƂa)________________ so far away from my friends.
If only I didn't live
(ChciaƂbym, ĆŒebyƛ nie puszczaƂ) ______________ that heavy metal music all the time.
I wish you wouldn't play