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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A: ‘Shall we sit in the corner or by the window?’ ‘ . B: ________ I don’t mind.’
Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey – have you been to _________ these countries?
any of
Mark, Kate, and I finally got some time off work, so we were ____ able to get away for some time.
Mark and I couldn’t get into the house because __________ us had a key.
neither of
I could meet you next Monday or Thursday. Would __________ those days suit you?
either of
There were a few shops in the street, but ________ them was open
none of
Emily has four brothers, but I haven’t met _______ them
any of
Sam has two sisters, but I haven’t met ________  them.
either of
‘What day is it today – the 18th or the 19th?’ ‘ __________ . It’s the 20th.’
A: ‘Is it true that Kate speaks Spanish and Arabic?’ B: ‘Yes, she speaks ________ fluently.
She broke _______ her legs, so she couldn't walk for months.
both (of)
They've made two albums and I've got _____ them. They're great.
both of
He gave me two explanations, but ________ them was made sense.
neither of 
______ Lucy and Emma are Irish.
_______  the two students had books with them, so they teacher got angry.
Neither of
They had _______ food to eat nor money to go to the restaurant.
You can get there either by car _______ by train.
A: I haven't tasted caviar. B: I haven't tasted it ________
Neither Teresa _______ Joanna is going to the cinema.
She has ________ time nor money for doing sports.
You can buy _______ an aquarium or a fish.