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History of Yoga

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Where did Yoga originate from?
India/ Indus Valley
Who is known as the "father of yoga"?
What is the most famous scripture (Upanishads,) from Yoga called that you can still read today?
The Bhaghavad Gita
Where can we read first about YOGA?
Vedas/ Rig Veda
What is asana?
physical yoga practice
What is pranayama?
the breath, techniques how to control the breath
What are inner work limbs in Patanjali's sutras? Name at least 2
Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi
what are 4 outer work limbs in Patanjali's Sutras?
We can divide history of yoga in ...... main periods.
Pre-Classical Yoga Classical Yoga Post Classical Yoga Modern
How many chapters are in Patanjali's sutras?
4 Samadhi – how to know all things Sadhana – how to practice yoga Vibuti – extra-sensory powers Kaivalya – ultimate liberation, the state of emptiness and solit
What is Caste System?
An ancient social structure based upon one of the fables in the Vedas
What does word brahmins mean?
vedic scholars, priests and teachers
What does this mean? Yoga Citta Vritti Nirodha
Yoga is to gain mastery over the mind
The word  VEDA means.......?
Name at least couple ancient texts that have been written about yoga?
Yoga Sutras Vedas Upanishads
What is the last limb of Yoga?
Samadhi, Enlightenment
How many limbs of Yoga Patanjali mentions in his sutras? How can you divide them?
8 outer work/inner work