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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We (not work) there if the boss (not/give) us a lot of freedom. (hypothetical)
wouldn't work, didn't give
They (not come) unless you (invite) them.
won't come, invite
If the students (not have) internet access, they (find) it difficult. (hypothetical)
didn't have, would find
If you (get) lost, do you usually (ask) someone for directions?
get, ask
If you (write) a novel, what (call) it?(hypothetical)
wrote, would you call
I (be) surprised if Martha (come) to the party. She said she wasn't feeling well.
will be, comes
They (be) healthier if they (not eat) so much junk food. (hypothetical)
would be, didn't eat
If you (not water) plants, they (die).
don't water, die
If you (lose) your passport, (need) visit the consulate. (hypothetical)
lost, would need to
If I (not find) any cheap tickets, we (not go) to Malta.
don't find, won't go
He (not/be) able to study here if (not/pass) that exam.
wouldn't be able, didn't pass
When Gaby (leave) her job in the summer, she (worry) about what to do next.
leaves, will worry
(your parents/come) if I (organise) a party?
Would your parents come, organised
When we (visit) my mother, she usually (look after) the children.
visit, looks after
If I (sell) my house now, it (not/be) worth very much.
sold, wouldn't be
If I (pass) my exams, my teacher (be) very surprised.
pass, will be