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Animal Farm - George Orwell

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How does Squealer manipulate the animals so the pigs can better control them?
A persuasive speaker, Squealer uses language to make the other animals disbelieve what they have seen with their own eyes and to believe the lies he tells them.
Why does Napoleon blame Snowball for the destruction of the windmill?
Napoleon blames Snowball to cover up the fact that it was not strong enough to hold up against the storm.
How is the windmill destroyed?
The windmill is destroyed by a huge storm during the night.
Does Snowball ever return to Animal Farm after Napoleon’s dogs chase him away?
Snowball never appears to return to Animal Farm. ... Napoleon, aided by Squealer, uses Snowball as a scapegoat, which means that when something goes wrong, he b
How does Mr. Frederick trick Napoleon?
Frederick agrees to pay a high price for Animal Farm's timber, and encourages Napoleon to insult Mr. Pilkington. Knowing that the animals are not familiar with
What part does Napoleon play in the Battle of the Cowshed?
Napoleon didn't take any actions or not mentioned at all during the battle of Cowshed. Napoleon probably lacked the qualities of being a leader in war because h
What is Snowball's role at the Battle of the Cowshed?
Snowball is a hero at the Battle of the Cowshed, bravely leading the animals' defensive operations to decisive victory over Mr. Jones, who tries to retake the f
Why does Snowball want to build a windmill?
Snowball wants to build a windmill so it can power a machine to create electricity on the farm. ... With the windmill in operation, all the animals will have mo
Why does Molly leave Animal Farm?
Mollie leaves Animal Farm because she has never fully embraced its new way of life, and she instead prefers the benefits of being owned by humans.
What does Boxer represent?
Boxer represents the peasant workers of Russia. They were exploited by the Tsar Nicholas II who ruled from 1894 until his expulsion in 1917.
How does Napoleon seize power?
Napoleon trains a litter of puppies to be loyal to him: when they are fully grown, he uses the dogs to chase Snowball, his main rival, off the farm.
What is animalism?
It is a behaviour that is characteristic of animals, particularly in being physical and instinctive.
Why is animal farm an allegory?
Animal Farm is an allegory because it represents the events and people of the 1917 Russian Revolution