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2Bach Exam Feb
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What word could replace STRIKING in the following sentence? You can win a mixed martial arts match by STRIKING your opponent
hitting, attacking, etc
Complete this PASSIVE VOICE sentence: He ____ (tell) to wait outside. (Past tense)
He was told to wait outside.
Complete this PASSIVE VOICE sentence: Paul _____ (send) to summer camp. (Future tense)
Paul will be sent to summer camp
Make passive sentences from the following information:Switzerland \ speak \ German
German is spoken in Switzerland
Make passive sentences from the following information: Football \ every country \ play
Football is played in every country
Make passive sentences from the following information: Fiat cars \ Italy \ make
Fiat cars are made in Italy
Change from active to passive voice: (My friend ate our snacks) Our snacks ____ by my friend.
Were eaten
Change from active to passive voice: (My brother walks the dog) The dog ______ by my brother.
Is walked
Rewrite these two sentences as one sentence using a relative clause: I met a man at a meeting last week. The man was at the party.
The man WHO I met at a meeting last week was at the party
Rewrite these two sentences as one sentence using a relative clause: Greg bought a camera yesterday. The camera doesn’t work.
The camera THAT Greg bought yesterday doesn't work.
Complete the sentences using a relative clause: An airport is a place (planes land)
An airport is a place WHERE planes land
Complete the sentence using a relative clause: Catherine and Sue are two girls (like dancing)
Catherine and Sue are two girls WHO like dancing
We ate the sweets ____ the teacher had bought.
FILL IN WITH A RELATIVE CLAUSE: Amy is the girl ____ mother is from Canada.
Kobe Bryant was a ____ to many athletes who looked up to him.
Role model
He has _____ every diving world record! (SURPASSED, ASTOUNDED, LEAPED)
Which phrasal means something DIFFERENT than the others? hit a setback, keep fit, stay in good shape
Hit a setback
What is one way you can tell that two people are MEANT FOR EACH OTHER?
Could be anything! For example, they have the same hobbies
Meeting the love of my life at a coffee shop felt like ____! (A COMMITMENT, FALLING OUT, DRIFTING APART, FATE)
What's an example of something that might give you butterflies in your stomach?
Could be anything! Seeing your crush, thinking about your dream job...
I felt ____ when my friends partied without me. (DESERVING, LEFT OUT or FALLEN OUT)
Left out
What are two ways to CHEER UP a sad friend?
Can be anything! Talk to them, play games with them, etc
I cannot ________ selfish people. (TRUST or BE ENVIOUS OF)