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Chapter 1: Democracy

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The spokespeople who work in the Opposition to criticize the government are called?
Shadow Minister
The 2nd biggest political party in an election will become?
The Opposition
If a political party wins the election, what will the leader of that party become?
Prime Minister/President
Societies that are united but encourage a diverse range of opinions are called (what) societies.
Multicultural societies
Greenpeace and GetUp are both examples of political parties in Australia. ( True / False )
Parliaments will often only accept written petitions. ( True / False )
Lobbyists get their name from waiting in lobbies trying to speak to influential people. ( True / False )
What is the only court that can hear cases regarding constitutional law and interpretation?
High Court of Australia
Protests and (what) are a form of direct political action.
It is illegal to seek asylum in Australia if you arrive by boat. ( True / False )
The climate crisis, refugees and terrorism are all issues that Australia can tackle independently. ( True / False )
Interest groups are usually formed in response to major events or issue. ( True / False )
Traditional media outlets such as television, radio and newspapers are the only source of political information. (True / False )
Interest groups seek to elect representatives to parliament. ( True / False )
Rule of law refers to the idea that the law is supreme and applied equally to all (what?)
citizens of a democracy
Australia was a founding member of the United Nations. ( True / False )
A good international citizen deports refugees. ( True / False )
The United Nations Declaration on Human Rights outlines our responsibilities towards refugees and asylum seekers. ( True / False )
Bilateral agreements are treaties between two countries. ( True / False )