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SIPPS Lesson 22

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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read this syllable: stru
stru (long u sound because it is an open syllable)
pronounce this sight syllable: -per
pronounce this sight syllable: -al
pronounced /ul/ (schwa)
pronounce this sight syllable: -tion
pronounced /sh/ /u/ / n/
read this syllable: queas
queas (beginning digraph qu and long e spelling pattern ee)
read this syllable: tween
(beginning blend tw and long e spelling pattern ee)
read this syllable: cree
cree (long e spelling pattern ee)
read this syllable: pled
pled (beginning blend pl and short vowel e)
read this syllable: meag
meag (long e spelling pattern ea)
read this syllable: neem
neem (long e spelling pattern ee)
read this syllable: bem
bem (short vowel e CVC)
read this syllable: ceed
ceed ( c makes /s/ sound before long e ee spelling pattern)
read this word: spore
spore (long o spelling pattern silent e/r controlled vowel)
read this word: plead
plead (long e spelling pattern ea)
read this word: dream
dream (long e spelling pattern ea)
read this word: sheer
sheer (long e spelling pattern ee)
read this word: shuck
read this word: squeak
squeak (long e spelling pattern ea)
read this word: weep
weep (long e spelling pattern ee)
read this word: beam
beam (long e spelling pattern ea)
read this word: Ken
Ken (short vowel sound CVC)
read this word: keen
keen (long e spelling pattern ee)
read this word: team
read this word: shine
shine (long i spelling patter silent e)