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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give a question for the underlined words: They have been studying Chinese (for at least five years).
How long have they been studying Chinise?
Give a question for the underlined words: The Jack-o-Lantern custom probably comes from (Irish folklore).
From where does the Jack-o-Lantern custom come?
Finish the following conditiona,l sentence: Okay, I will....
(Grammatically correct sentences are valid)
Finish the sentence: If I were you....
(grammatically correct sentences are valid)
Complete the sentence: If I didn't have a mobile phone, my life (not / be) _______________ complete.
Wouldn't be
Complete the sentence: If we (know) _______________ about your problem, we would have helped you.
Had known
Complete the sentences: If they (have) _______________ time at the weekend, they will come to see us.
Complete the sentence: I wish I .................................... (tell) her she'd put on weight. She hates me now.
hadn't told
Complete the sentence: If only I .................................... (have) the money to go to Jon's wedding in The States.
Complete the sentence: I wish you ______________ (not be) so horrible to your brother. He's a really nice boy.
Wouldn't be
Combine with a relative: I'd like you to meet Anna. You will be working with her in the future.
I'd like you to meet Anna with whom you will be working in the future
Combine with a relative: We visited the town. It lies at the source of the Danube
We visited the town which/that lies at the source of the Danube
Rewrite in impersonal passive: There were hopes that the plan would succeed
It was hoped that the plan would succeed
Rewrite in passive: The manufacturers are giving away small plastic toys with each pack of cereal
Small plastic toys are being given with each pack of cereal
Rewrite in active: Dictionaries may not be used by candidates.
Candidates may not use dictionaries
Rewrite in causative: A new jumper has been knitted for me.
I have had a new jumper knitted