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EHS Safety

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It doesn't matter which side I wear my face covering, as long as I am happy.
Happiness matters. But, if your face covering has a color-side, make sure it faces outward. If not, look for imprinted lettering and be sure it faces outward.
Name some things that you shouldn't do when it comes to wearing a face covering.
touching the front of the mask, taking it off to talk to someone, not washing as needed, not washing hands before & AFTER removing, not storing properly, etc.
What feedback would you give this interaction?
We want to avoid removing our masks when we are talking to someone. This is to protect you and others around you. We also want to practice social distancing.
Shout out your favorite soap to use when washing your hands.
Great, good news! You can use any soap. It can be bar, liquid, antibacterial or plain. It doesn't matter as long as it creates a good lather.
What's the last step when putting on your face mask?
C. Adjust the face covering to your face without leaving any gaps on the sides, top, or bottom.
True/False When soap and water aren't available I can rub my hands together rapidly to kill germs.
False, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
True/False I can use mind control to remove my mask so I avoid touching my face.
Although extremely cool, false. You can properly remove your mask by removing the elastic from your ears first
When you're not using your face mask, what are some places you should NOT leave it.
When not in use, ensure it is fully dry then lay flat and store in a covered place that is clean, cool, and away from contaminants and direct sunlight.
Show us the correct way to prevent germs from spreading.
If you demonstrated C or D, you are correct.
Which one is the correct way to wear a mask?
C. Cover your mouth, nose, and chin, then pinch the metal strip snug against the bridge of your nose.
N95 masks with valves are permitted at Apple stores or Apple facilities.
False, these are critical supplies that continue to be reserved for healthcare workers and other medical first responders.
Which of these masks are you going to wear to work?
Apple will provide reusable face coverings. You can wear your own mask as long as it meets uniform requirements, isn't offensive, and meets EHS guidelines
True/False: After I wash my Apple provided face covering twice I have to toss it out.
Reusable face coverings can be reused and washed repeatedly. There is no limit on the number of washes or the amount of time you can use the face covering.
Name some things that are 6 ft!
Anything that is 2meters, 72 inches, 182.88cm, 1829mm. :)
The metal strip on your mask is used to wrap the bread you had for breakfast this morning.
False, it is to secure the mask on the bridge of your nose.
True/False: A good mask has 1 thick layer of fabric.
False. When choosing a reusable face covering, ensure that it is made of 3 or more layers of fabric. If it has 2 layers, then it needs multiple folds of fabric.