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Movie Quiz

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In which movie did all the infinity stones first appear in the Marvel cinematic universe?
Guardians Of The Galaxy
Which Tom Hanks movie nominated Hollywood in the year 1994?
Forrest Gump
Which Disney movie (animated) was remade after 25 years, with Simba as the lead role?
Lion King
Which 1976 classic movie was just shot in 28 days?
What is Lotties Favourite film
Bridget Jones Diary
What is Boris Johnson Real Name
Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson
What Colour is Boris Johnson Hair
What is the most popular Christmas film ever?
The Grinch
Which was the first movie to go to VHS while still being in theatres, winning 11 Academy Awards?
Which 1966 musical won the Academy Award for the Best Picture?
The Sound of Music
Which was the first comic book and superhero film to be nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards?
Black Panther
In which movie did Captain America lift Thor's hammer
For which movie did Tim Burton train 40 squirrels to crack nuts for, rather than use CGI?
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
Which movie is the most death-packed film ever made with an average of five people dying every minute?
How many 'Star Wars' movies are there?
Which is the First US film to Feature a toilet flushing?
Which movie has a Starbucks cup in every single scene in the movie?
Fight Club
In which movie was the iconic DeLorean time machine originally a refrigerator?
Back To The Future'
Which film's makeup and hairstyling won an Oscar despite the makeup budget being only $250?
Dallas Buyers Club
What is the name of the first Harry Potter film
Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone