Edit Game
Grade 5 - Revision of Unit 7-8

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Should we touch the conductor in a circuit by our hand?
Name one insulator in your house. For example: glasses, a book....
clothes, a ceramic pot, a rubber band, a balloon, a plastic cup...
Name one conductor in your house. For example: a metal spoon
a metal knife, a pair of scissors, a metal pot...
Anna has a battery and a wire. What does she need to add in to make a simple circuit?
a light bulb (or other electrical device)
Porcelain is conductor or insulator?
Name 3 main components of a simple circuit
battery (or power source), wire, light bulb (or electrical device)
Name a material that can be used to make the outer of electric wires.
Name 3 devices that need electricity
light bulb, fan, computer, phone....
Name two ends of a battery
negative end, positive end
Name 2 materials that can be used to make the core of electric wires.
Copper, iron, silver, steel...
Coal is a type of fossil fuel. TRUE or FALSE?
Plastic is conductor or insulator?
We need to burn fossil fuels to get energy. TRUE or FALSE?
The using of non-renewable sources of energy causes pollution. TRUE or FALSE?
Metals are conductors or insulators?
Renewable sources of energy are unlimited. TRUE or FALSE?
What are insulators?
Insulators are materials which do not allow electricity to pass through.
What are conductors?
Conductors are materials which allow electricity to pass through.
Non-re_ _w_ble source of energy
Non-renewable source of energy (n, e, a)
F_s_il fuel
Fossil fuel (o, s)
Two examples of conductor
Copper, iron, silver, steel...
Two examples of insulator
Paper, wood, ceramics...
Name 3 non-renewable sources of energy
coal, crude oil, natural gas
Name 3 renewable sources of energy
hydropower, wind power, solar energy