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Fremantle Dockers

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Where do the Fremantle Dockers train?
Cockburn Arc
What colour is their away jersey?
Do Fremantle Dockers have a female team?
What number did Matthew Pavlich wear?
Who is the coach of the Fremantle Dockers?
Justin Longmuir
How many derbies have the Dockers won?
How many players can be on the field at once?
How many players are in the Dockers team?
What year did the Dockers start playing AFL?
How old is Andrew Brayshaw?
Who is in the Leadership Team?
Andrew Brayshaw, Alex Pearce, Nat Fyfe, David Mundy & Caleb Serong
Who is the Captain of the Dockers
Nat Fyfe
Who is the oldest player currently playing for the Dockers?
David Mundy
Where do the Fremantle Dockers play when they are at home?
Optus Stadium