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Avengers Assemble

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This Avenger has white eyes. And he is red and gold. And he shoots fire. He flies. His name is Tony Stark
Iron Man
This Avenger also goes by the name of Peter Parker. He can shoot webs from his hand. He can also swing from webs.
This Avenger can fly. And he starts with an F.
This Avenger wears a blue suit. He uses a shield that is red, white and blue.
Captain America
This Avenger is angry. And he is green. And he smashes every goblet from Thanos. He is the biggest Avenger ever.
This Avenger is not magical. His power is his skill with a bow and arrow.
This Avenger has white eyes. And black triangle eyebrows. And he is red, blue and black. And he also has claws coming out of his back.
Iron Spider
This Avenger has a hammer. He has long blonde hair. He is the God of thunder. His name starts with T