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The Relief of Mainland Spain

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which river basin is in the southwest?
Depresión del Guadalquivir
Which river basin is in the northeast?
Depresión del Ebro
What are river basins?
Low plains crossed by rivers and surrounded by mountains.
What are the names of Sistemas Béticos two mountain ranges?
Cordillera Penibética and Cordillera Subbética
Which mountains consists of two chains that run parallel to the Mediterranean coast?
Sistema Costero-Catalán
Which mountains are very high and form the border between Spain, France, and Andorra?
Which mountains are a transition between the Cordillera Cantábrica and the Pirineos?
Montes Vascos
Which range contains low mountains with rounded peaks?
Macizo Galaico
What mountain ranges are beyond the Meseta Central?
Macizo Galaico, Montes Vascos, Pirineos, Sistema Costero-Catalán, and Sistemas Béticos
What are examples of low mountain ranges?
Aracena and Madrona
Which range separates the Meseta Central from the Depresión del Guadalquivir?
Sierra Morena
What are the characteristics of the Picos de Europa?
High and rugged peaks
Which mountain range separates Galicia from the Meseta Central?
Montes de León
Which mountain ranges surround the Meseta Central?
Montes de León, Cordillera Cantábrica, Sistema Ibérico, and the Sierra Morena
Which mountain range separates the Tajo and Guadiana river basins?
The Montes de Toledo
Does the Montes de Toledo have a low or high altitude?
Low altitude
What mountain range divides the Meseta Central into the Submesetas Norte and Sur?
The Sistema Central
What mountain ranges are in the Meseta Central?
The Sistema Central and the Montes de Toledo
What is the average altitude of the Meseta Central?
600 meters
What is the Meseta Central?
It is an extensive plain that covers the centre of the Iberian Peninsula.
How many mountain chains are in the Meseta Central?
The relief of Spain is organized around the...
Meseta Central