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Stocks Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did most stock prices do at the start of Covid?
What is the typical stocks phrase for SHORT SELLING?
Sell high, buy low
What is the TYPICAL stocks phrase?
Buy low, sell high
What does it mean to be price weighted?
Stocks worth more carry more weight/value
What was the lowest share price EVER for GM?
Why would someone short sell?
If they think the company is failing, losing value, or the stocks will plummet
Describe a bear market
Investor confidence is down, stock prices are declining, overall poor economy
Describe a bull market
Stocks doing well, prices are high, high investor confidence,
How many stocks make up the NASDAQ
How many stocks make up the DOW?
How many stocks make up the S&P500?
TRADITIONAL STOCKS: A share I own is currently worth $39. I want to make a $14 profit. What do I need to sell at?
What does S & P stand for?
Standard and Poors
What DATE was Starbucks share price the highest in the last YEAR?
July 26, 2021
How often are dividends paid?
Annual or Quarterly (most common)
What was Facebooks IPO price?
What is one share of Ford worth?
Somewhere around $18
If you are short selling, what do you want the share price to do?
Go down
What stock option gives you voting rights? Common or Preferred?
What share price did DELTA open at today?
What does IPO stand for?
Initial Public Offer
What date was Verizon share price the lowest in the LAST YEAR?
Explain how short selling works
You sell something you don't own, buy it back when the price drops
What is the ticker symbol for Adobe?
What is one business on the NASDAQ
Answers may vary
What year was the DOW created?
What was the HIGHEST share price for Amazon in the last YEAR?
What is the ticker symbol for Tesla?
What year was the S&P created?