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HR & Communications Final Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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List Maslow's Hierarchy of need from bottom to top
Physiological, Safety, Love and Belonging, Esteem, Self Actualization
List Maslow's Hierarchy of need from bottom to top
Physiological, Safety, Love and Belonging, Esteem, Self Actualization
List Maslow's Hierarchy of need from bottom to top
Physiological, Safety, Love and Belonging, Esteem, Self Actualization
List Maslow's Hierarchy of need from bottom to top
Physiological, Safety, Love and Belonging, Esteem, Self Actualization
What is implied consent
Agreement shown through inference by signs, inaction or silence
What is informed consent
A document that states all the risks and benefits of having a procedure and requires a signature from the patient
What are Bioethics
Dilemmas or issues surrounding advances in medicine
Define Modified Wave Scheduling
Patients scheduled the first half of every hour with the second half for work-in emergency appointments
State the difference between objective and subjective
Answers will vary
Define Answering Service
A business that specializes in taking and relaying telephone messages when offices are closed
How long does it take a person to pick up on your attitude from listening to the tone of a voice?
10 seconds
Define Double Message
Answers will vary
Define Pandemic
New infectious virus, capable of being transmitted from human to human and affecting a large population over a wide geographic area to which the world populatio
State what the waiting room should look like.
Answers will vary
State what you would do if a Patient has been waiting in the waiting room for longer than 30 min.
Answers will vary
Define Flextime
Type of work schedule that may permit working different hours on different days within an available range of hours?
Define Res Ipsa loquitor
This Latin phrase means that the occurrence of wrongdoing is so obvious, no further evidence is necessary and negligence is assumed.
Define: Living will/advanced directive
written statement detailing a person's desires regarding their medical treatment
What are Ergonomics?
The design of a chair that provides lumbar back support, and facing a computer screen away from a window that might produce glare
What is the person called who initiates a lawsuit and what is the person called who responds?
Plaintiff- Defendant
Type of minor who is emotionally and intellectually mature enough to give informed consent and may be able to make health care decisions
Mature Minor
Define Subpoena Duces Tecum
Documentation, such as a patient's chart, ordered by a court
What are Good Samaritan Laws?
State laws that protect healthcare professionals and ordinary citizens from liability in case of an emergency
Define Protocol
a set of instructions used for reference that prescribes strict adherence to correct etiquette and preference
What is some information that may be included in the Patients' Past Medical History?
Childhood diseases, Previous Illnesses
What does the term Respondeat Superior mean?
The Physician is held responsible for the action of their employees, or office.
At which stage of dying does a patient with a terminal illness reach a point of feeling at peace?
Acceptance Stage
What occurs during the "Anger" stage of dying?
A person may ask "Why Me?"
Which type of communication provides the ability to express positive and negative ideas and feelings, in an open, honest, and direct way
Assertive Verbal Communication
Which type of appointment scheduling is most likely to be used for grouping procedures during the day or week?
What is Protected health information (PHI)
Answers will vary
Misfeasance is best described as:
Improperly performing an otherwise proper or lawful act
According to Dr. Elizabeth Kulber-Ross, most individuals who experience the impending death of a loved one will initially experience which of the following emotions as part of the grieving process?
State the correct order of the communication cycle?
Sender, Message, Channel, Receiver, Feedback
What does the term Standard of Care mean?
Ordinary skills and care that must be used by all medical practitioners
What is Nonfeasance?
Failure to perform a necessary action