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3rd grade revision
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name five things that can grow.
Hair, brothers and sisters, animals, babies, trees...
Where does Beans find Binky Boo?
In the sandpit.
What's the time?
It's quarter past three.
How do we make flour?
sickle - cut the wheat - donkey - mill - flail - separate - stone - grind
What did Beans do with Molly?
He licked her, chewed her and slobbered on her.
Name five things you do in the morning.
I wake up, brush my teeth, wash my face, eat breakfast and get dressed.
What do we need to make a pancake?
We need flour, eggs, milk, butter and jam.
What happens to Stick Man one morning?
He goes for a jog. The dog plays ''fetch it and drop it'' with him.
What's the time?
It's quarter to 11.
What's the time?
It's half past nine.
Describe the Gruffalo.
Terrible tusks, terrible claws, terrible teeth in his terrible jaws, knobbly knees, turned-out toes, poisonous wart, orange eyes, black tongue, purple prickles
Name 5 things you do in the afternoon.
I watch TV, I do my homework, eat lunch, play games, clean my room...